Download Patient Blood Management in Cardiac Surgery de Christian von Heymann,Christa Boer PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
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Patient Blood Management in Cardiac Surgery de Christian von Heymann,Christa Boer
Descripción - Críticas “This well written and practical book is relevant for surgeons, perfusionists, anesthesiologists, hematologists, and intensivists who represent the multidisciplinary team responsible for the management of cardiac surgery patients. … This a great book for practitioners. It offers in?depth discussions of complicated disciplines such as pharmacology and hematology in a concise manner using a practical format.” (Michael Bates, Doody's Book Reviews, September 06, 2019) Reseña del editor This book provides a multidisciplinary approach to the maintenance of hemostasis and minimisation of blood loss in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. All aspects of patient blood management are covered that may contribute to a reduction in perioperative bleeding and transfusion requirements in cardiac surgery. This is achieved through practical cases and a theoretical background that gives a better understanding of patient hemostasis and the occurrence of bleeding complications. This book is relevant to cardiac surgeons, anesthesiologists, clinical perfusionists, hematologists and intensivists. Contraportada This book provides a multidisciplinary approach to the maintenance of hemostasis and minimisation of blood loss in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. All aspects of patient blood management are covered that may contribute to a reduction in perioperative bleeding and transfusion requirements in cardiac surgery. This is achieved through practical cases and a theoretical background that gives a better understanding of patient hemostasis and the occurrence of bleeding complications. This book is relevant to cardiac surgeons, anesthesiologists, clinical perfusionists, hematologists and intensivists. Biografía del autor Christian von Heymann, MD, PhD Christian von Heymann is a Professor of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine appointed at the Charité - Medical Faculty of the Humboldt-University of Berlin and is head of the Department of Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine and Pain Therapy at the Vivantes Klinikum im Friedrichshain, a large tertiary care and teaching hospital, in the center of Berlin, Germany. His main research interests are preoperative anemia, clotting and bleeding disorders in cardiac, general surgery and intensive care medicine. Dr. von Heymann has co-authored the EACTA/EACTS guideline on Patient Blood Management in Cardiac Surgery as well as the German guidelines on Preoperative Anemia and the Diagnostics and Treatment of Peripartum Hemorrhage. He is a member of several committees on Transfusion and Blood Conservation at the German Medical Chamber, the EACTA subcommittee of Hemostasis and Transfusion, and currently chairs the Transfusion, Hemostasis and Thrombosis subcommittee of the ESA. Christa Boer, PhD Christa Boer is Professor of Anesthesiology, Research in Perioperative Care, in Amsterdam UMC (VU University) and Director of the VUmc School of Medical Sciences. She is member of the editorial board of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. Her translational research focuses on the interplay between microcirculatory perfusion, endothelial activation and coagulation during cardiopulmonary bypass and hemorrhagic shock and on postoperative care. She is member of the subcommittee Transfusion, Hemostasis and Thrombosis of the ESA, and past chair of the subcommittee Hemostasis and Transfusion of EACTA. Dr. Boer co-chaired the recently published EACTS-EACTA guideline Patient Blood Management in Cardiac Surgery. In addition, she was member of the SCA Blood Conservation workgroup and NATA scientific committee.
Management of cardiac arrhythmias contemporary cardiology management of cardiac arrhythmias contemporary cardiology english edition ebook yan, ganxin, kowey, peter r tienda kindle Cardiac surgery ebook ebook vvaa descargar libro descargar libro cardiac surgery ebook ebook del autor vvaa isbn 9780323090407 en pdf o epub completo al mejor precio, leer online gratis la sinopsis o resumen, opiniones, críticas y comentarios Patient blood management in cardiac surgery results in the aim of this study was to investigate the impact of the introduction of a patient blood management pbm program in cardiac surgery on transfusion incidence and outcome study design and methods clinical and transfusion data were compared between the prepbm epoch july 2006march 2007 and the pbm epoch april 2007september 2012
Patient blood management in cardiac surgery principles patient blood management in cardiac surgery principles amp role of teg rotem philippe van der linden md, phd patient blood management defined as the appropriate use of blood and blood components with a goal of minimizing their use encompasses an evidencebased medical and surgical Patient blood management in cardiac surgery livro bertrand patient blood management in cardiac surgery a sua opinião limpar enviar obrigado por partilhar connosco a sua opinião o seu comentário só ficará visível após validação nota comentários com linguagem ofensiva ou provocadora, ou que não expressem uma opinião sobre o livro ou sobre o seu autor, não serão publicados Patient blood management in cardiac surgery results in patient blood management in cardiac surgery results in fewer transfusions and better outcome gross i12, seifert b3, hofmann a3, spahn dr3 author information 1patient blood management program, eastern maine medical center, bangor, maine 2department of hematology and oncology, eastern maine medical center, bangor, maine
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- Name: Patient Blood Management in Cardiac Surgery
- Autor: Christian von Heymann,Christa Boer
- Categoria: Libros,Libros universitarios y de estudios superiores,Medicina y ciencias de la salud
- Tamaño del archivo: 9 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
Descargar Patient Blood Management in Cardiac Surgery de Christian von Heymann,Christa Boer Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Patient blood management in cardiac surgery springerlink recently, several large randomized studies and recommendations regarding patient blood management pbm in cardiac surgery were published this review summarizes the current evidence relating to modern strategies in pbm from the perspective of the cardiovascular anesthesiologist preoperative anemia should be early detected and adequately managed Patient blood management in cardiac surgery springerlink all aspects of patient blood management are covered that may contribute to a reduction in perioperative bleeding and transfusion requirements in cardiac surgery this is achieved through practical cases and a theoretical background that gives a better understanding of patient hemostasis and the occurrence of bleeding complications Patient blood management in cardiac surgery full text patient blood management in cardiac surgery pbmc the safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators listing a study does not mean it has been evaluated by the us federal government
Patient blood management tools, templates and resources patient blood management guidelines preoperative haemoglobin assessment and optimisation template provides guidance for patients undergoing procedures in which substantial blood loss is anticipated including cardiac, major orthopaedic, vascular and general surgery patient blood management how will this alter my preoperative assessment Patient blood management in the cardiac surgical setting the three pillars of pbm in cardiac surgery consist of optimization of preoperative erythropoiesis and hemostasis, minimizing blood loss, and improving patient specific physiological reserves this narrative review focuses on the challenges with special emphasis on pbm in the preoperative phase and intraoperative transfusion management and hemostasis in cardiac surgery patients Patient blood management en cirugía ortopédica revista patient blood management in orthopaedic surgery visitas descargar pdf fernando canillas a, descargar pdf estadísticas figuras 1 tablas 4 tabla 1 resumen de las estrategias perioperatorias para abordar la implementación de un programa de patient blood management modificado de referencia 5 tabla 2
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