Lee un libro Implants in the Aesthetic Zone: A Guide for Treatment of the Partially Edentulous Patient de Todd R. Schoenbaum Libros Gratis en EPUB
Download Implants in the Aesthetic Zone: A Guide for Treatment of the Partially Edentulous Patient de Todd R. Schoenbaum PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis, Implants in the Aesthetic Zone: A Guide for Treatment of the Partially Edentulous Patient Pdf en linea
Implants in the Aesthetic Zone: A Guide for Treatment of the Partially Edentulous Patient de Todd R. Schoenbaum
Descripción - Reseña del editor This book concisely elucidates the science underlying implant treatment in the aesthetic zone in partially edentulous patients and clearly describes the techniques and protocols used by world-leading experts in the field. The book is divided into four parts that address treatment planning; site preparation (hard and soft tissue augmentation); immediate implant placement and provisional restoration; and the design, fabrication, and delivery of the definitive implant prosthesis. Complex cases of this nature present a significant challenge to even the most well informed and experienced of doctors. Implants in the Aesthetic Zone has been specifically crafted to meet all the needs of the clinician involved in their management, providing a reliable road map for interdisciplinary implant treatment in clinical practice. The authors have been carefully selected from a wide range of fields for their expertise in particular areas of implant science or treatment. Contraportada This book concisely elucidates the science underlying implant treatment in the aesthetic zone in partially edentulous patients and clearly describes the techniques and protocols used by world-leading experts in the field. The book is divided into four parts that address treatment planning; site preparation (hard and soft tissue augmentation); immediate implant placement and provisional restoration; and the design, fabrication, and delivery of the definitive implant prosthesis. Complex cases of this nature present a significant challenge to even the most well informed and experienced of doctors. Implants in the Aesthetic Zone has been specifically crafted to meet all the needs of the clinician involved in their management, providing a reliable road map for interdisciplinary implant treatment in clinical practice. The authors have been carefully selected from a wide range of fields for their expertise in particular areas of implant science or treatment. Biografía del autor Todd R. Schoenbaum, DDS, FACD, is Associate Clinical Professor at the UCLA Division of Constitutive and Regenerative Sciences. In this capacity he instructs students and residents in the UCLA Implant Center. He is Director of UCLA Continuing Dental Education, generating and supervising over 200 continuing education courses per year. Dr. Schoenbaum practices with Dr. Peter Moy in Los Angeles, CA with a focus on implant prosthetics. He is the recipient of the 2012 scientific writing award from the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. Dr. Schoenbaum acts as a reviewer for several peer-reviewed journals and has authored more than 35 papers.
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- Name: Implants in the Aesthetic Zone: A Guide for Treatment of the Partially Edentulous Patient
- Autor: Todd R. Schoenbaum
- Categoria: Libros,Libros universitarios y de estudios superiores,Medicina y ciencias de la salud
- Tamaño del archivo: 9 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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